From Girl vs Cancer: 'An aggressive 2.8cm ‘Grade 3’ cancerous lump set up residence in her right chesticle, without consent, and sent her life as she knew it into a tailspin. Desperate for some reassurance and carcinoma companionship Lauren went looking for like-minded women who had faced the c-bomb for advice and encouragement. Unfortunately she mostly found doomsaying online communities and clinical materials that were aimed at women in a more advanced lifestage. It didn’t speak to her. At all.
Fed up of the perception that cancer is a disease for the over fifties Lauren decided to grab her breast cancer diagnosis by the boobs and began sharing the nuances of her cancer beating crusade on her blog and instagram under the hashtag #GIRLvsCANCER. Lauren’s aim was to share the tales of her treatment in an authentic and accessible way in an attempt to tackle the cancer taboo and create a better understanding of the challenges facing those diagnosed with cancer in their 20’s + 30’s.' Fast forward past a missed Christmas in 2016 and a year of treatment including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Lauren is slowly and gently on the mend and turning her experience into a massive positive. The Tit-Tees started as a way for her to make an income while supporting breast cancer charities and have become a wonderful, viable way for people to show support to loved ones/random strangers suffering this horrific disease.

- DIRECT LINK TO THE SHOP: https://girlvscancer.co.uk/the-christmas-campaign/
- LAUREN'S BLOG: https://girlvscancer.co.uk/
- THE ORIGINAL TIT-TEES: https://girlvscancer.co.uk/shop/