P50 and a lack of oomph

P50 and a lack of oomph

So I knew my readers were on the ball - little did I realise just how much.

I bought a new bottle of P50 recently and being rather busy and basically a beat behind everyone else, whilst I thought it odd that I didn't get any sting on application, last night I remembered the smell. If you've ever used the original P50 you'll know what I'm talking about.

It smells. I personally love it - others didn't. Whatever - it no longer smells. Meaning the formulation has changed. Which is no doubt why I no longer sting on application. Le Grand Sigh. WHY do brands faff with greatness? I don't know why or when (but I suspect the EU as per usual had something to do with it - interfering bastards) but the son of the original founders the Alloche's is over here next week. And I'm away. Le Grand Sigh.

So as I can't meet him this time I've asked the PR to give me the full spiel - which is no doubt more attractive to him than a 43 year old woman throwing herself around his ankles and screeching 'WHY???? WHY???' Will keep you posted. *weeps gently*

P.S. - I know there are retailers that still sell the original in the US and abroad but I'm not linking to them until I know if the old version is available in the US (books flight) - or if they are simply selling excess OLD stock.

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