So let's make like speed-dating and run through some of my favourites - I don't want to get shouted at for being too slow! ;)
It is worth remembering that:
What I take on holiday for me:
I know they've been on the blog already with the face, but this is an evergreen product range for us. We've never burned or had any issues. Broad Spectrum. This SPF30 is the best IMO. It's £19.50 for 125ml.
There is also an SPF20 that comes in a 200ml size for £21.00. Both great and available here.
Ava has just been dispatched on her hols with this SPF35 stick by Clinique - fragrance-free and perfect for kids as they seem to find it easier to apply that a lotion. She has creams as well of course, but she actually enjoys using this and with children/teens, that's half the battle right there.
Clinique SPP body products are especially great for those of you with fragrance issues. Being Clinique, all of the sun products are fragrance and oil free (check your region) and Broad Spectrum (across the board). Available here.
Marks & Spencer - *STAR BUY*
This is the exception to the own-label warning in the bullet points at the beginning. Good old M&S list their ingredients, have all the appropriate warnings, are Made in England, in an eco-factory, BUAV approved (cruelty-free) at source, vegetarian and HALF PRICE at the moment.
UK people: run, do not walk, to your local M&S and clear the shelves. Also available here.
Decleor have long made great sun products and I know it's not relevant, but their red, soft touch packaging is easily my favourite. The 50 for body is a good place to start. It's £24.00 for 150ml and available here.
Hawaiian Tropic
I include this as I've probably used a bottle of some sort of Hawaiian Tropic every year of my life. What we won't do is talk about/recommend the SPF4/6 etc because that's just crazy talk. Stick to the 30s and 50s, enjoy the scent and reminisce and laugh about my generation that would lie on foil and use baby oil. Or you know, don't. *fries* Available here.
Coola has one of the best websites I've seen for descriptions, warnings and clear ingredient listings. It puts everyone else to shame. They're clear about nano, fragrance and give true water-resistant times. The 30 in the picture above is particularly lush. Available here.
Available everywhere in mainland Europe and not extortionate, stick with the 50s as the 20 and 30 only come in sprays. Available here.
Hampton Sun
I've worked with Hampton Sun for nearly 5 years. Just putting that out there. I stay with them because I love the products. That's why they are listed here, not the former. This in particular, is wonderful as a baby body SPF OR facial SPF for an adult. I use it on Max, Ava and myself. Available here.
If you have any other quick yes or no questions do please leave me a comment below and I'll do my best to answer them in a timely fashion! :)