What a (long) weekend.
I’ve needed a few weeks to catch my breath after the epic weekend that was Hall of Fame: House of Hirons, but I didn’t want to go into the Christmas break without saying a lot of well-earned thanks.
I would firstly like to say a huge thank you to every single one of you who came to the event or the shop, and to those of you who couldn’t come but still took the time to comment on Instagram or the Freaks Group. You are all amazing.
It was so nice to be able to see, speak to and even HUG those of you at the event, after the shit show that was 2020 AND a lot of 2021.
I also wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to those who sponsored and supported the event including: Fortnum & Mason
Riki Mirrors
Clipper Tea
And of course, House of Neon. Thank you so much one and all. Same time next year? ;)