Cheat Sheet - SPF UPDATED

Cheat Sheet - SPF UPDATED

When purchasing SPF the main questions to ask are: What is the SPF? Is it a Broad Spectrum product? There are two main concerns from being in the sun: Skin-ageing...


SPF Part 2 with Dr Marko Lens

SPF Part 2 with Dr Marko Lens

Part Two is up! Look out for an SPF Cheat Sheet and a giveaway from Zelens coming up on the blog. Thank you for all of your lovely comments so...


SPF with Dr Marko Lens

SPF with Dr Marko Lens

Hello lovely people! Enjoying the heat? (UK peeps!) I am. Before you venture out into the rays you may be interested to watch this video that I filmed last week...


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SPF update

I've started answering your questions based on Dr Lens' answers here and the videos (plural at this stage) will be up by the weekend. I'll try and answer the rest...


SPF - got any questions? (filming completed)

SPF - got any questions? (filming completed)

Next week I am filming with Dr Marko Lens, founder of Zelens and one of the eminent specialists in melanoma (amongst other things) in the industry. I thought it would...


Empties continued. Clarins and Hampton Sun.

Empties continued. Clarins and Hampton Sun.

Unexpected bonus of having small children and their luggage allowance: we literally took 20/25 bottles of suncream/sun products with us on holiday. I figured 'now's a good a time as...


Post Holiday Empties - things that actually worked.

Post Holiday Empties - things that actually worked.

So we're back. And rather than doing posts about 'What to take away with you' - I thought it made sense to mention what I took and what actually got...


Decleor Aroma Sun Expert SPF 50 and 30 Protective Anti-wrinkle Creams

Decleor Aroma Sun Expert SPF 50 and 30 Protective Anti-wrinkle Creams

Next up is Decleor - which is hands-down my favourite suncare packaging - they nailed it with the pinky/red. It's pretty perfect - and so easy to spot in your...


Clarins SPF 50+ and SPF30 Sun Wrinkle Control Cream

Clarins SPF 50+ and SPF30 Sun Wrinkle Control Cream

Available in three strengths: SPF15 SPF30 SPF50+ There is a wider selection available - I'm just focusing primarily on the face. One size: 75ml (nice big fat size) 'UVA' symbol...


Clinique City Block Sheer SPF25 and SPF40 Face Cream

Clinique City Block Sheer SPF25 and SPF40 Face Cream

It's all about the C word today. Those of you who know me of old will remember that is what I used to call Clinique - the 'C' word. Well,...


Shiseido Expert Sun Aging Protection SPF30

Shiseido Expert Sun Aging Protection SPF30

I thought I'd keep the reviews of the SPF's as user-friendly as possible - i.e. not let the brands overwhelm with the science and marketing blurb and just give the...


Cheat Sheet - SPF

Cheat Sheet - SPF

I used to get my SPF from my make-up during colder months, but since I’ve gotten older and have been using more retinoids, I’ve stepped up my SPF usage through...


2012 Awards. Hand Cream of the Year. Clinique Even Better Dark Spot Correcting Hand Cream SPF 15.

2012 Awards. Hand Cream of the Year. Clinique Even Better Dark Spot Correcting Hand Cream SPF 15.

I'm not going for an award-in-every-category this year. Just highlighting a few favourites that I've really enjoyed using in 2012. Regular readers of this blog will know that I haven't...


Sunscreen - London Makeup Girl

Sunscreen - London Makeup Girl

For those of you who constantly ask about SPF and the variable types available - I have previously recommended asking Grace from London Makeup Girl - she (unlike my good...


Cheat Sheet - Anti-ageing

Cheat Sheet - Anti-ageing

Anti-ageing. We’re all so used to this phrase that we don’t even question it. If a product says it is anti-ageing on the box then it must be – right?...


Lancaster Tan Maximizer

Lancaster Tan Maximizer

Just a quickie: This little gem has been around for an age and is definitely classed as a 'hero' product. And with good cause. My Mum used to use it...


Cheat Sheet - Vitamin D & SPF

Cheat Sheet - Vitamin D & SPF

BRITS AS SOON AS THE MERCURY HITS 20 degrees C Gone are the days of my youth basting on a foil suntanning sheet with baby oil. These days the sun...
