Hi Everyone!
No video this week as honestly there isn't an awful lot going on in the industry at the moment. It's the post-Christmas January bad-weather calm-before-the-February storm.
There are, however, things to mention:
- The retinol focus is coming. We're still collating all the information on the various (numerous) products and aim to start filming at the beginning of Feb.
- I read an interesting article this week entitled 'Is sunscreen the new margarine?' - have a read and see what you think. Food for thought maybe?
- I recorded a podcast with Giovanna Fletcher this week. Happy Mum Happy Baby will be out Feb/March - I'll keep you posted.
The divine Gi Fletcher.
- Ian Marber's video is going live on Sunday morning, we are re-filming Sam Farmer's as we ran out of time and had much to cover!
- In the spirit of being completely transparent, as I always said I would, I had my first experience of fillers over the New Year break. Between getting older, losing weight, and the year from hell in 2016, I woke up one day in December and thought 'I want to speak to a derm about these jowls', where previously I had always thought 'not yet, I'm not that bothered..'. I was bothered. I watched this video from Sam Chapman and it resonated. I had similar placement to Sam, basic hyaluronic acid filler at 4mls in total (less than half a teaspoon), in my upper cheeks, lower jaw line and marionette lines. It's still settling in but I honestly love it. No-one has noticed anything other than to say 'you look well..' - which is exactly what I wanted. That was it. No botox, no filler anywhere else, my forehead, brows, eyes, nose, lips etc are all still devoid of any foreign materials - all my own. I don't mind lines. I do mind feeling like I look like this:
When actually this, to me, is better:
I want my face to move, I have a huge forehead that doesn't really crease anyway, I'm known for my brow, I like my smile lines around my eyes and if I touched my lips I would be divorced by the old man.. So there we are. That's the truth. It's very strange talking about something so personal online, so I would politely and respectfully remind you that I am not seeking anyone's approval, permission or forgiveness. I hate to sound harsh but I'm happy. If you have judgement, leave it for your turn at confession with your priest. I'm all good here.
- You will, by now, have no doubt heard the news that Brandon Truaxe, Founder of Deciem, passed away last weekend. I had known Brandon as a business acquaintance since the launch of the brand and obviously spent time with him over the years. He was absolutely an innovator in the industry, pushing forward the need for transparency more than anyone had before. He was always willing to answer any question put to him about his formulas, something a lot of brands still struggle with in 2019. I know his many well-meaning fans searching for answers understand the importance of allowing his family, friends and colleagues time to grieve as they adjust to his loss.