- Nude No. 1 is a nude beige with medium coverage
- Rose Violine No. 2 is a perfect soft beige rose cream with full coverage
- Rose Clair No. 3 is a light rose pink with medium-full coverage
- Rouge Corail No. 4 is a coral red with full coverage
- Rouge No. 5 is a classic red with full coverage
- Framboise No. 6 is a pinky-red with full coverage
- Fuschia No. 7 is a gorgeous hot pink with full coverage
- Cassis No. 8 is a beautiful berry with full coverage
- Beige Rose No. 9 is a light beige pink with medium coverage
- Tangerine No. 11 is a hot orange with full coverage
- Carmin No. 12 is a deeper red, full coverage