Collin was established in 1957 but has remained largely off the radar because of their exclusivity to salons.
The Collagen Gel is their star product - unbeknownst to yours truly at the time - but after having it applied during the facial I can see why.
'Vectorised Micro Collagen' is a Collin exclusively patented ingredient and is a recurring theme throughout their range along with hyaluronic acid and AHA's. The good thing about Collin is that unlike most brands with patented ingredients - no names (Skin Bleach/Crash Diet anyone?) - they have carried out in vitro testing and backed up their claims scientifically.
The gel itself is a lovely light jelly-like consistency and spreads really nicely with a little going a long way.
I use it probably once a week at the moment after a clay mask to counteract any possible dryness and to rehydrate and smooth. I imagine I'll step it up more in the winter - it really does what it says on the box - namely smooth, plump, hydrate, tone and repair. It's something I would recommend for all skin types - I see no problems here with sensitivity and it's brilliant for both dry and combination skins.
Collin were so pleased to be POTW that they wanted to share the love. They are offering 3 - yes 3 - Limited Edition Holiday Collagen Gel worth £19.95 each to 3 lucky BM readers.
Simply leave your email address in the comment section below and winners will be chosen at random next Sunday. It's a really lovely product - you should definitely have a go.
Good Luck!
Collin Regenerating Collagen Gel normally retails for around £47.25 (I reckon one pot should last you at least 6 months with regular use)
Collin stockists/salons are available here.
If you want to stay first in the know about all things COLLIN RESULTIME, you can join their VIP Club (it's free) by clicking here.
Small print:
*once again - no affiliated links or sponsored posts here - I love this product
*original pot and facial were PR sample/gift
*giveaways are from Collin PR
*any emails entered may be passed over to Collin for future promotions
*winners will be picked Sunday 28th August
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