
Instagram catch-up. Picture Heavy Post.

Instagram catch-up. Picture Heavy Post.

In the QVC canteen with Keeley from Elemis and Dr Lens from Zelens. And a funny moment caught on camera in the middle. Not cheap but SO good. My amazonian...


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Thank you Pixiwoo.

So its been a couple of weeks since I did the video with Sam and Nic for BodyTalk Daily. I was then unexpectedly mentioned in this Summer Makeup Favourites video...


Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month - MARCH

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month - MARCH

Whilst I obviously applaud the way that the beauty industry got behind breast cancer and the huge event that is Breast Cancer Awareness month in October, I do rather feel...


Clarins Double Serum - the review that never was.

Clarins Double Serum - the review that never was.

So here's the thing - this is set to be Clarins biggest launch this year. It has already had rave reviews from BBB and Ree - both of whom also...


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New Year, New Plans

2012 was an amazing year for me. For the first time in my life I made a list of things I was determined to achieve by the end of the...


A final Instagram of the year and a massive thank you.

A final Instagram of the year and a massive thank you.

Almost 2013. Another year on the blog. I just want to say a huge, massive thank you to all of you for reading, commenting and supporting me for another year..........


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Liz Earle Official Statement

In the interests of full disclosure: I have worked for Liz Earle in the past. I used to joke that if you lived on the Isle of Wight you either...


Breasts, October, all things Pink and a slightly uneasy feeling.

Breasts, October, all things Pink and a slightly uneasy feeling.

Let me say this from the off: I wholeheartedly support anything to do with funding research into cancer, helping cancer sufferers, helping cancer survivors. Regular readers of this blog will...


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Some changes

Depending on when you started reading this blog – it may always have been Beauty Mouth – or you may remember it as Mother’s Mouth. Back in 2010 my husband...


Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday


Overnight Travel Kit

Overnight Travel Kit

I went on an overnight trip to Monaco earlier this week - more of which to come at a later date. I snapped off this pic very quickly as I...


Happy 2nd Birthday!

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Two years ago I sat down and penned a little post about cleansing massage. It proved popular and so I kept posting. And now here we are in 2012 -...


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The 'I know it's not a Hero Product but it bloody-well-should-be!' Support Club

So following on from the ridiculously popular post on Monday (you Ladies really needed to vent didn't you??!) - it's time for the other side of the coin. Everyone has...


The 'I know it's a Hero Product but I just CAN'T' Support Club

The 'I know it's a Hero Product but I just CAN'T' Support Club

So a few of us have secretly (openly on twitter) - in code - been very quietly admitting that there are some 'Hero Products' that we just cannot get to...


Taking a stand against Photoshop.

Taking a stand against Photoshop.

Following my post below on the still-can't-quite-believe-how-horrific-it-is photoshop job executed on Zooey Deschanel by Rimmel - I was contacted by Collin Resultime, who have featured previously on this site with...


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Clinic on Thursday - Clinic is Closed.

Ok here's the thing: I'm stupid busy at the moment. All for amazing reasons - but still - ridiculously busy. After kids, hubby, parents, 12 clients and growing, Give and...


Guide to Paris - Part 1 - Travel and Champs Elysees

Guide to Paris - Part 1 - Travel and Champs Elysees

Years ago, when I was working for a big brand in Europe, I was fortunate enough to 'have' to visit Paris once a month - for work. Paris is also...


Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday


I've been meaning to tell you....Summery goodies

I've been meaning to tell you....Summery goodies

So now I've explained where the HELL I've been lately I thought I'd group together some of my recent discoveries/likes/loves/obsessions under one roof. Let's call it my weekly round-up.... The...


Paris - A culinary tour...Part 1. The food. (OK. Some of the food...)

Paris - A culinary tour...Part 1. The food. (OK. Some of the food...)

I went to Paris last week (for reasons that will become clear later in the week) with Evadne. Otherwise known as the excitable pup that is Get Lippie. We apparently...


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Blog of the Month on 4Beauty

Massive thanks to 4Beauty for making me Blog of the Month. If you are interested in reading my Q & A you can find it here.


A little moonlighting over on 4Beauty.

A little moonlighting over on 4Beauty.

I was recently asked to contribute some Summer Skin tips to Channel 4's 4Beauty online. Have a read here if you fancy a sneaky peek?


Happy Birthday to The Blog!

Happy Birthday to The Blog!

Today is the 1st birthday of the blog. Pic courtesy of Dr Lulittle You've been reading my rants/advice/putting up with me for a whole 365 days. Doesn't time fly when...


Loving a little Liberty!

Loving a little Liberty!

I moved to London when I was 17. My very first retail job was in Liberty - an amazing place to work - primarily because you felt like an extra...


Advertising v Allocation

Advertising v Allocation

We all know the power of beauty advertising in the glossy mags - and the pressure then put on the journalists to write about the advertisers products in their beauty...
