Embrace their wellbeing roots, British-made, gorgeous skincare brand Balance Me has launched a signature facial to showcase their beautiful products. Skin is dealt with on an individual bespoke basis, and needs are addressed using smoothing fruit acid exfoliation followed by sculpting, radiance boosting massage techniques drawn from facial rejuvenation and acupressure, a collagen-boosting mask plus a layer of hyaluronic acid. The hour-long treatment is suitable for all skin types and ages and delivers excellent long-lasting results and a sense of wellbeing and rejuvenation.
Here's the fun part:
They're recruiting self-employed/freelance/private therapists with their own spaces to do the treatments.
The requirements are a minimum 3 years’ experience as a beauty therapist/facialist with own home, mobile or salon practice. You will need to be BTEC/CIBTAC qualified or equivalent. And fully insured (obvs).
All successful applicants will be required to attend a one day Balance Me training in London.
If you are interested in any further information and would like to apply you can email here. You need to send in your CV, proof of qualifications and two references, but they can answer any questions you may have in the first instance.