Lovely lovely readers. This month my little corner of t'internet turns 5. FIVE YEARS. I have absolutely no clue where the time has gone, but I'm happy to still be loving what I do and very grateful to those of you that both check in to read daily and watch the videos on YouTube. It would be an absolute understatement to say that starting this blog has changed my life in the best ways imaginable and I only have you to thank for it.
Tidying and newness
I've been doing a little housekeeping behind the scenes for a while now, updating Cheat Sheets, adding more information, removing a lot of these --> !!!!! <--- and just generally tidying. As part of my ongoing 'offering' I'm adding daily reviews. I'll still blog all my usual content, ramblings, newness, interviews, cheat sheets et al - but I love reviewing products and I know from the stats that you enjoy reading them. SO: if you have a particular request for a product to be reviewed please do leave a comment and let me know. Assuming I have the product I'll get started. The product with the most requests will be targeted first and so forth...
Monthly Skype Consultation winner
Last month I had my first consultation via Skype with the lovely Derin *HI DERIN!!*.
I'm picking this month's winner today and the new competition will also go live at the same time. Stay tuned for that one. And yes, it will be open internationally as always.
I'll be back this afternoon, off to make my hair brighter! ;) (See yesterday's post)