Crisis Christmas Lunch details: https://www.crisis.org.uk/get-involved/make-it-crisis-this-christmas/
Walford-Richards Makeup Brush Cleaner: https://www.walfordrichardsdesigns.co.uk/product-page/the-best-makeup-brush-cleaner
Seven Seventeen Candle in Sparkle: https://www.seven-seventeen.co.uk/collections/candle-duos/products/winter-spice-candle?variant=21020868771898
Diptyque Candles in Pine Tree of Light and Exquisite Almond:http://bit.ly/2zsu1kB Jo Malone London White Moss and Snowdrop: https://www.jomalone.co.uk/sparkling-gifts#/products/
Sunday Riley The Vault: http://bit.ly/2POJGoF
This Works Sleep Tight and The Big Sleep: http://bit.ly/2RaATdn
Dr Dennis Gross C Me Sparkle: http://bit.ly/2POXvTS
OSKIA Deluxe Travel Collection: http://bit.ly/2PSbVCH
Caudalie Vinosource Christmas Cracker: http://bit.ly/2RaMF7v
Isle Of Paradise Glow Ho Ho: https://www.boots.com/isle-of-paradise-the-medium-glow-collection-10258165
Reading in Heels: https://readinginheels.com/
Mother Dirt: https://motherdirt.com
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