Post-Summer Redness

Post-Summer Redness

After a summer of long days in the sun and heat, you may notice that your skin appears redder than usual, particularly those who are prone to redness or rosacea. Luckily, there are things you can do to help bring this down; here’s our expert advice… 

After a summer of long days in the sun and heat, you may notice that your skin appears redder than usual, particularly those who are prone to redness or rosacea. Luckily, there are things you can do to help bring this down; here’s our expert advice… 

1. Keep your skin protected

Aside from sensitivity, redness is a hallmark sign of sun damage and the best way to prevent - and stop it from worsening -  is to keep your skin protected with sunscreen. Choose an SPF 50 formula you enjoy and reapply every 2 hours if you are outside in the sun or working by a window.

2. Use a targeted serum or oil

Address signs of redness with a treatment that has been formulated to soothe the skin and reinforce your barrier. This will help reduce flushing and sensitivity and bolster your skin's resilience against external aggressors. 

The Support Oil is nicknamed our 'fire extinguisher in a bottle' for good reason, as it is clinically proven to reduce skin redness by up to 42%*, making it a perfect choice if redness is a concern. It's also suitable for all skin types, including oily, due to its lightweight texture, making it a true must-have for those prone to redness – particularly after summer sun or during the colder months. 

3. Try a colour corrector

If you're looking for an instant solution to counteract redness and give you a more even complexion, try using a colour corrector. These green-tinted creams can be applied before makeup or worn alone and cancel out any red in the skin (think back to art; green sits opposite red on the colour wheel). 


Words by Katie - Team Skin Rocks
Qualifications - BTEC, Beauty Therapy Applied Sciences

*Based on 47 participants using the product daily for 4 weeks. Independent Clinical Study 2022.

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