Random Round-up No.1

Random Round-up No.1

Hi All.

I know I haven't been around much but wanted to keep you up to speed and answer some of your comments on my various social sites and thought this was the best way to start doing that!

New client - May Lindstrom
I’m thrilled to announce that I have just started working with the fabulous May Lindstrom and her equally beautiful brand. May has been largely a one-woman-operation from the start, and as she selectively expands her presence in the UK (about time!), I'm jumping on board to help ensure that her commitment to excellence is shared in the most intimate way possible on this side of the world. We are both VERY excited about the possibilities here - and I can't wait to dive in. May is expecting her second baby in September (Congratulations!) and it feels like the perfect time to join her small team.
We both want to share our evolving relationship in full transparency - there is a business element now that hasn't been there previously. This said - I will of course continue to talk about her products because the big love of those came first, and ultimately led to us wanting to do more together. But - I will add a disclosing statement at the bottom of any post on here just to keep things clear. My opinions are still strongly my own, (I know you expect no less) and the main disclosure page linked at the bottom of every post has been updated to reflect this change. maylindstrom.com

Kate Somerville Goat Milk
I have both the old cream and the new formulation - I have asked KS if they want to comment on why they changed the formula and they're sending me a comment early next week. Will report back.

Teresa Tarmey
I finally got to Teresa's gorgeous new space in Notting Hill, which is lush, and well worth a visit if you're in the area. It's all in next week's vlog. www.teresatarmey.com

Teresa was obviously there, as was Dr Sam and a whole host of far trendier people than me. I shot off early as I'd been out of the house since 8am.

The Body Shop*

It was so lovely meeting so many of you this week in Birmingham, London and Brighton. I had a great time and the Body Shop were as always, lovely hosts.

I had a lot for requests for visits to other cities and we are working on something. As always I'll keep you updated.

Serozinc wins at CEW

Serozinc won 'Best New Skincare Treatment Product' at today's CEW Award and frankly that's down to you guys. If L'Oreal aren't saying 'Thank You' - I will. Good job chaps. Customer demand always shouts loudest!

This is what I'm on about if you're unsure: www.boots.com/La-Roche-Posay-Serozinc-Spray


Stationery addict Londoners: the kikki.k pop-up in Covent Garden is well worth a visit. Details here: www.kikki-k.com

I'm still working my way through the products but I can tell you now that the night cream may be too rich for you if you're acnaic, but for the rest of you, it's sexytime. More info here: goop.com/goopskincare - that's not an affiliate link - which I only mention because my sources tell me when goop sell anything they take a nice fee. Interesting no? ;)

If you haven't heard of Knomo bags and you travel for work and own a laptop/ipad/400 chargers et al, you may want to check them out. I have a few, and moaned at tweeted them earlier this week with some feedback (essentially - why are the majority of the really lovely girl's bags 14in? - I have a 15in macbook). The upshot is they have invited me to their showroom and frankly, I'm not leaving until they make us working-travelling-big laptop owning-women the bag we deserve. :) More info here: www.knomobags.com

And finally:

This affected me much more than I ever expected. Prince got me through those horrible teen years when I played 'When Doves Cry' on repeat and then in later, happier years when I perfected the Sheena 'walk-on' from the U Got The Look video. I got to see him live but sadly my kids didn't. So much of my life is tied up in his music and I still can't believe he's gone.

The NFL won't let you embed this video but this is the master at work: youtu.be/superbowl - treat yourself.

*These events were sponsored by The Body Shop (obviously).

Not a sponsored post. No affiliates. Full information can be found here: https://www.carolinehirons.com/p/about-me.html

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