Silk Pillowcases

Silk Pillowcases

I love the saying 'You have two lives. The first one - and the one that starts when you realise that you know nothing and can never stop learning.'
I am already living the second part of that saying.

Now I have two beauty lives.
The one before silk pillowcases, and the one after.

I don't know what to tell you. I hate the touch of silk. Actually borderline-OCD-cannot-touch-it. I don't hate it as much as cotton wool, *GAGS, SHIVERS* but I hate it. No silk negligees over here. Rock band t-shirts all the way. I'm a cheap Valentine's date... You see where I'm going.

So I avoided the silk pillowcase phase/trend, not because I thought the idea was poop, merely because 'HOW COULD YOU SLEEP ON THAT?'

That was before I was sent one of these Ginger Lily Beauty Box Silk Pillowcases. And it was monogrammed. A lovely big 'CH' in the corner. Now, you can take the girl out of Mississippi, but you can't take the monogrammed-loving-Southerner out of the girl.
I thought: 'Ooh that will be pretty on the bed!' and used it. And now I'm panicking about ever having to sleep on cotton again.*

Speaking as someone who uses a lot of night-time products, especially oils and balms, sleeping on something that doesn't suck the life out of your cheek is revolutionary. I sleep on my side, on my front, pretty much every which way except on my back - the recommended way, and it shows in your face when you wake up. Puffy eyes, lines on the cheeks or in my case, just plain squashed cheeks. Attractive.

No more dear reader. No. More. There are lots of reported benefits to using silk, namely less absorption of products (true), less perspiration (true), fewer lines upon waking (really true) and I don't want to necessarily start a stampede, but for me, speaking completely personally, I have not had one of those hideous red, sore cysts in the jaw region ever since I started using this pillowcase. I know. I kid you not.
I wouldn't say that lightly, I understand the desire to do anything possible to prevent breakouts/acne/cystic annoyance, but the 'leftovers' of my increasingly erratic food allergies are swollen, almost burning hot spots in the jaw region that don't come to a head, just linger like a bad smell, then scar. RANDOM. I don't know if this is the reason, or if you will get a similar (wicked) result but it is literally the only thing that I am doing differently. Not. One.

If you suffer from these also - you will understand my new obsession. They are also notorious for preventing 'bed hair', but I wouldn't pay attention to/notice/care about that side of it anyway because SPOTS ARE GONE.

Ginger Lily Beauty Box Silk Pillowcase is normally £39.99 from their site but I don't mind telling you that Handpicked Collection have them on sale for £27.97 here: because I already ordered mine. *fist bumps self*

*I recognise this is very much a First World problem.

P.S. - I am mortified to admit that I do not know who sent this to me, please do email me if it was you - and accept my sincere apologies and huge thanks.

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