Sunday Round-up

Sunday Round-up

Hi All!

To say this has been a busy week would be an understatement. Firstly, no vlog this week. I did start a vlog, and then got a migraine that knocked the stuffing out of me for almost three days, so I scrapped it. No-one wants to see that.
On top of that, we had a gas leak at home, got capped off by the authorities and have been without heat, hot water and a cooker for five days at the time of writing (it's ongoing). Happy days.

BUT: life obviously carries on as normal so here's what you may/may not be up to speed with:

  • I announced the second Cult Beauty Box of Dreams over on Instagram, you can sign up for the waitlist here:
  • I announced my collaboration with Pixi - our Double Cleanse goes on sale in January. Your response was completely overwhelming and I cannot thank you enough. I will do a post answering some of your questions this week, so if you have any more, do leave them in the comments and I will add the in. More info here: Double Cleanse Reveal (n.b. The Double Cleanse is not in the Cult Beauty Box, despite internet whisperings to the contrary. It goes on sale in January, not before.)

  • The Zelens 30% offer is still on until Wednesday. Dr Lens has written some mini reviews on his Instagram if you are undecided on what you need: and my original post is here:
  • We launched the Give and Makeup Shoebox Campaign - more details here: - thank you so much for your support.
  • We have new babies in our family. If you're not on Instagram you have managed to avoid cat picture spam, so here's some to keep you happy ;) If I'm missing from anywhere, you might as well assume that I am on the sofa, with these fur babies.

Penelope aka Penny

Montgomery aka Monty

Have a wonderful week everyone!

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