
Where To Spend Money On Your Teen Skincare Routine

Where To Spend Money On Your Teen Skincare Routine

Hormones, school stress, and nights out, can all wreak havoc on skin. The impacts may not show on younger skin but at Skin Rocks we say good habits start young.


Uni Skincare

Uni Skincare

Like me, you may have been there, hoovering the last grains of glitter from dorm floors as the sun sets on freshers. Looking into the mirror at some ungodly hour...


The Story Behind Sam Farmer

The Story Behind Sam Farmer

Back in 2011, when searching for a deodorant for my teenage children, I was astounded at the pink and pouty cans aimed at my daughter and the aggressive steel and...


The Story Behind The Violet Paste

The Story Behind The Violet Paste

My love affair with beauty started before I turned 13. I recall walking into the very first Body Shop in Falls Church, Virginia: the year was 1986.             ...
