Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness


October is upon us. And I'm feeling very conflicted.

On the one hand, I know of course, what the beauty industry has done for breast cancer awareness. I do, really. It's raised millions of dollars/pounds.

However, this last month, after the huge influx of press releases advising me of products donating '5% of profits' - for example - and especially after googling 'breast cancer awareness' and seeing a paid-for SEO ad for a very famous face cream, I'm just feeling a little - I don't even know - dubious? Hesitant?

Each to their own of course, but this year I've made a donation to Breast Cancer Care. I'd rather 100% of my money goes where its needed, not used to promote a brands CSR (at my most cynical moment).

I've experienced lumps - more than once, been to the Marsden, given the all-clear.
I've experienced my best friend's survival.
And this year all of Amica's friends and family experienced breast cancer at its worst.

If you collect the Limited Editions, feel its a great way to give, I'm not here to knock that - at all. Like I said, each to their own. I have plenty of friends that actively look forward to collecting all things 'pink'.

It's just not for me this year.

Breast Cancer Care

Cancer Research UK

Wear it Pink

What do you think? Am I really off-base? Am I wrong? Do you agree its a bit 'bandwagon' and not always for the right reasons? And on another note, has it completely cannibalised cancer 'giving'?

I just don't know.

In the meantime, look at these brilliant ads for breast cancer awareness from around the world.

Oh and while I'm at it, can someone explain why boobs are perfectly appropriate in a national newspaper - but breast cancer adverts are still being banned?

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