Budget Week - Day 1 - and an extension...

Budget Week - Day 1 - and an extension...

So here's the thing. I fully understand that the word 'budget' is different for everyone. I do. What's budget to some, may be unattainable to others. What's 'affordable' to XX may be absolutely extortionate to YY.

I knew budget week would be popular, what I didn't expect is people arguing amongst themselves about what actually constitutes the word 'budget' across all forms of my social media. There is no need to argue! It's all good. There are plenty of products out there in all price brackets, and as the idea of a 'week' was so popular, I've decided to just extend it and include much more 'budget' (there goes that word again) finds across all of my channels forever more.

I'll still be a fussy cow, still expect great results no matter the price and include plenty of high-end gear as per usual, but expect to see more affordable/budget/bargain finds as the year goes on.

In the meantime, I thought it would be helpful to do some 'flash reviews' of the products I'm using on a daily basis (while I can keep it up!), otherwise my 'to review' pile will never subside and nothing will get done!


Vichy Purite Thermale Eye Makeup Remover - £8.07 - this is good, but I had residue this morning - even after I thought I had gotten all of it off last night. Not as good as Clarins, Lancome or Tilbury.

La Roche Posay Physiological Cleansing Gel - £12.00 - this did a surprisingly good job of removing my makeup and my skin didn't feel too tight afterwards. I wouldn't be able to use it every day, it would be far too drying long-term, but it should be fine if you are particular oily - or for summer's hot and sweaty months..

Pixi Glow Tonic - £18.00 - done and dusted, kippers and custard. (I.e. - reviewed and mentioned 400 times on this blog - search here)

Organic Surge Orange Flower Toner - £7.50 - light and refreshing, it's suited to an oilier skin than mine. Nice and fresh though..it's a second tone, not an acid one...

Organic Surge Hydrating Eye Cream - £18.00 - either I've got dog-eared dry eyes or this is again, more suited for 'normal' skins, even thought it is aimed at a dryer/more mature skin. Lovely cream - maybe for someone younger, but I need more oomph.

Nuxe Detox - £47.00 (clearly not budget) - I found this for £29 yesterday on a french to english website - and now it's disappeared. Sorry!
Aside from the price, this is a great nighttime product if your skin is dull or a little drained. It would probably be worth checking out if you suffer from continuous blemishes/hormonal lumps etc. It's available in M&S too, so you can more than likely find it in your high street in the UK.

I hope this reassures those of you on tight budgets that I am trying to cater to everyone, including you. And please don't argue amongst yourselves. After last week, I'm enjoying the calm. :)

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