Candle of the Week - Cire Trudon Spiritus Sancti

Candle of the Week - Cire Trudon Spiritus Sancti

There are few things I love more than a candle. Especially a candle that smells of Church.

A full-on Orthodox-incense-waving-everywhere Church. The turn of the weather for the worst last weekend saw me packing away my Summer candles and digging out my Autumn/Winter candles.

Yes I have a candle wardrobe. I know I'm not alone.

Cire Trudon are simply beautiful to-die-for candles. I mean premium, top-of-their-league candles.

These candles don't use any paraffin waxes or any ingredients on the Greenpeace OSPAR list. No heavy metals or pesticides and they have pure cotton wicks. For the record - I don't actually kick up a huge fuss about paraffin wax in my candles - I just don't want it in my moisturiser.

Spiritus Sancti in a nutshell, reminds me of going to Mass with my extremely Roman Catholic Nana (the lady in the banner at the top of this blog and one of my favourite people on Earth). It's a memory candle for me - and I always equate Church with the colder seasons hence this showing its face now. This contains incense vapours, lily of the valley, labdanum and benzoin.

It's essentially pure incense. It couldn't smell more Church-like if you stole the thurible and popped it on a stand in your fireplace.

It is to me, a signal to the start of the school year, the nights closing in, packing away summer clothes and the return of Downton (Mr Bates!). God I love Autumn.

There follows some totally superfluous-to-needs yet altogether-wonderful pictures of the flagship Cire Trudon boutique in Central London - previously reviewed here.

Cire Trudon fragranced candles retail for around £60.00 - bear in mind they are significantly larger than a standard candle, burn evenly and last for around 80 hours.

More info on Cire Trudon can be found here.

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