Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise - Me

Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise - Me

I seem to always be talking about or recommending the same products recently so I thought I would mix it up a little – and take blatant advantage of my friends in the industry and fellow bloggers by asking them what THEY use to Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise. It will be either their all-time favourites or their current routine. And I’ll be asking across all ages, ethnicities and skin types.

Before I get going with my guests choices, I thought I would, for the record, give you my Desert Island Three.


OK no surprises here. I know I recommend it to pretty much everyone – but I genuinely use it every single day and panic if I’m nearing the end of the pot without a replacement to hand. I won’t go into detail because if you read this blog regularly you’ll know it all.

Emma Hardie. End of.

Toner One of my very first blog posts was about Biologique Recherche and the power of their P50. In all honesty it's not a toner - the term 'toner' is just too outdated now - this is a surface exfoliating treatment (my words!) for prepping the skin to receive serums/moisturisers etc. So it's used at the toner stage, but to compare this to your typical 'toner' is like comparing a Rolls Royce to a rickshaw.

Moisturiser OK I can't possibly pick one moisturiser for all-time. It's the one thing you need to change as regularly as your choice of coat and so for that reason I'm listing my current favourites for day and night. Day: Yes it's Doctor P again. The Hypoallergenic Nourishing Moisturiser is part of the new range for sensitive skin and I have to say - it rocks. The texture is thick and luxurious but it absorbs beautifully and leaves the skin comfortable, not greasy or tacky. Love.

Night: I wasn't going to split it into two but I always - always use a different product at night and recently it's been this gorgeous oil from Vaishaly. In light of recent comments on the Clinic posts - it seems a lot of you are still very cautious about using an oil on an oily skin. Please let me reassure you by saying: HOGWASH. This oil is specifically for Normal/Combination and I use it safely without it bringing up any cystic acne bumps. It glides on beautifully, absorbs nicely and leaves the skin with an amazing glow. it also has that 'spa smell' that you only seem to get these days from facialist brands. Bliss.

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