Cult Beauty Box Announcement

Cult Beauty Box Announcement


FIRSTLY: if you didn't even WANT A BOX, couldn't afford a box, hate the boxes, I'm sorry that this has taken over the blog this week, normal service will resume tomorrow with a Cheat Sheet by way of an apology and I haven't finished dehydration products! :)

The rest of you with an interest in the Box.....

WE HAVE MORE. Very limited stock, but more.

SO: people that were on the waitlist and ONLY people that were originally on the waitlist and did not buy a box:


  • Being on the waitlist does not guarantee you a box.
  • Being on the waitlist does not guarantee you a box.
  • You will receive an email shortly after 12pm tomorrow UK time.
  • You are all getting it together - no staggered emails. As requested. May The Force be with you.
  • PLEASE read the email carefully.
  • One email, one box. No-one - I repeat no-one - 'ordered ten and ebayed them!' Chill your tits.


  • The email will offer you the box on a pre-order basis only.
  • You will not - repeat - will NOT have this box before Christmas. We did not put the original box together in 24 hours, it obviously takes time to coordinate. It will ship early - mid February.
  • No, unsurprisingly, discount codes are not valid with the box. If a near 50% discount isn't enough then I can't help you any further.
  • I apologise if this reads like I'm talking to a child. Just trying to be crystal clear and manage expectations.
  • Being on the waitlist does not guarantee you a box.

Also: there are no Customer Service people on the phones at Cult Beauty today. I'd be surprised if they weren't face down in a VAT of G&T after the grief they had this week, but that's just me.

Good Luck for tomorrow. I'll be hiding and watching Poirot.

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