SnailGate Part II

SnailGate Part II

Some of you really love your snail products. I mean really, passionately, love them.

Which is completely cool. I mean really, it’s none of my business. A few comments, even blog posts sprung up however, that I feel I should address straight away.

Firstly: I have put some calls in to brands and retailers that sell said snail products and gone directly to source, in particular for the brands people were most concerned about. If they are using lovely farming techniques, it’s only fair I give them the same platform to respond (if they want to) and reassure their customers. I’ve always, always, offered a response to any brand that I’ve spoken about on here, and always will. I have no problem being wrong.

Secondly: If you read the post and left a comment somewhere on social along the lines of ‘I think you’re wrong, please read this link and be better informed’ or ‘Caroline please find out for definite/find out more, I love my snail products and this has freaked me out.’ – Thank you, I absolutely will. I’m on it.

Thirdly: If your response was ‘you’re denigrating Eastern culture and you just don’t understand’ – ERM NO. Let’s just nip that nonsense in the bud right now shall we? I was talking about one ingredient. I embrace a lot of Eastern routines when it comes to skincare (I actually cannot believe I feel the need to make this clear but that’s the f’ing internet for you), most famously the long-term use of multi-stepped routines, essences, layering etc. And I specifically said the trend started in South America.
I don’t like Clarisonics, washing my face in the shower or foam face washes, never have done, I don’t get ‘OMG you’re denigrating American culture and you must also hate electronic toothbrushes.’

Could I have gone to some specific brands first and asked for feedback before I wrote the post? Of course. Will I next time? I don’t know.** In a way I hope not. I have no interest in becoming a boring wikipedia-style-beauty website churning out press releases and inane pre-authorised quotes. If I write a post based on opinion with my understanding of some facts, and that starts a conversation, even if it’s people calling me out and saying I’m wrong, surely that’s a good thing? I’ve followed up on things in the past and corrected/restated things, nothing has changed on that score. Happy to learn and correct along the way (if that’s the outcome). I will, however, accept that the blog has reached the point where readers require more than trust when I’m discussing some things. Point well taken. Thanks to those of you that got me there.

And there is the crux of blogging for me. Following on from this post recently about the importance of having opinions, I completely understand why some people got out of the blogging game when some of the responses to opening yourself up online are ‘I’m really disappointed in you’, ‘The whole blogpost smacked of a superiority complex’, ‘I expected more of you’ (I always enjoy that one), and even this:
‘If the conclusion is that farming snails is grim, lord, have I got some news to share about what late stage capitalism is doing to humans. Why the outrage about snail mucin but no similar horror at the news of sideline workers in Korea being paid fractions of a cent to fold sheet masks?’***

I guess this a bad time to mention I’ve never really liked sheet masks either but that would be missing your point. Context is everything.

I’ll get back to you on the snails. Have a great day everyone.****

**I’ll probably ask your opinions, ask you what you know, and then investigate further. And hope that doesn’t stifle opinion and conversation. I’m all for adapting how things are done as the blog gets bigger and more and more people read it. ‘My understanding’ of things is clearly not enough anymore. And that’s cool. Point clearly and calmly taken.
***If that’s true about the Korean workers, that’s outrageous, and I would out those brands and not support. Please do give me more info. I’d love to look further.
****Just because I think something is ‘EEWW’, and you happen to love it, doesn’t mean I am demeaning you as a person. I love apricots. Lots of people don’t. (It’s the skins) It doesn’t make me like apricots any less, nor the person that loathes them.

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