The Experts. The Makeup Artists. Wayne Goss

The Experts. The Makeup Artists. Wayne Goss


Ah Mr Goss. Such loveliness.

Wayne Goss is that rare thing in the industry, a true pro who keeps his feet planted firmly on the ground. No airs and graces, just years of hard work and a true appreciation of his clients and readers/subscribers. His 16 years of work have paid off with Wayne launching his beautiful brush range this year - only for it to sell out almost immediately. What you get in the flesh is exactly what you see on screen, Wayne is honest, funny and genuinely passionate about what he does.

I grabbed him by the collar and shoved a microphone into his face to ask him how he came to be where he is...

How did you end up as a MUA? Was it something you always wanted to do and therefore a straightforward path? Or something you discovered you loved almost by accident?

It was both my accident and design. I had a love of makeup from an early age. But it wasn't until I was 20 and covered in acne that it became my full time mission to get clear flawless skin! That kick-started my love of makeup again.

I receive a lot of queries about training – some of them seem to be asking for the quickest route to a qualification. Where did you train and how important do you think the basic level of training is?

I think training is important but not the most essential step. Firstly, there is not a real recognised makeup artistry. It's not regulated. It's not to say it can’t help. It can. The pricing sadly is horrendous. Anything from £3000 to £12,000 depending on where you go (in London).

I was classically trained in London and self taught.


Which do you think is more valuable? Experience or training?

Experience. The training is useful but hands on experience is the best way to go. Working behind a counter is very good experience.


What is your favourite part of what you do?

Just doing something I love. Creating flawless skin. It's joy.


What would you recommend to anyone trying to break into the industry?

Work hard. You cannot expect it to come to you. I did just about everything wrong!


What are your favourite 3 items of makeup – ever?

Foundation. Under eye brighteners. Eyeshadow.


What are you proudest of in your career?

Training with one of the world's best makeup artists. It's been the biggest help to my career to date. And of course the release of my brush line. It was such a personal thing. I funded the entire project myself, so I’m proud of that.

So he should be. Congrats Wayne - and thanks. :)



Wayne Goss can be found on:

You tube:

His blog:



And the brushes are here:

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