Every time I introduce a new Kit, it feels like five minutes has passed since the last. January was the longest month in living memory, but February through to April appears to have been on fast forward – thankfully!
As I write, in the UK beauty and hair are starting to open their doors (albeit with disparity in some areas), we can see friends outside in this intermittent snow/sun/who knows weather, the vaccination rollout has hit those in their 40s and each day feels a little bit brighter. As we meet each milestone, hope is replaced with excitement and I cannot wait to get going with all of the things we had planned before the world flipped upside down.
Business-wise, the last three months have been crazy after the almighty ‘learning’ that was the Winter Kit. Technology has been our overriding focus and facilitating demand is the core of what we’ve since built. From Kits to all things new (keep your eye on @skinrocks), I give you my word we are ready.
As we start to step outside (quite literally) our skin will need extra support as we reengage with normal life. This year’s Spring Kits have been put together with hydration at the core and are split between normal/combination/dehydrated and normal/dry/mature. The difference between the Kits in terms of suitability for your skin is subtle; both are suitable for all skin types, so please go with your preference. To highlight the importance of SPF we have partnered with Space NK to allow you to choose the most suitable product for your skin type and concern – details on the partnership and the offer available can be found at the end of the downloadable How To’s.
This time we are thrilled to also be donating to the British Skin Foundation. It sees first-hand the impact of not protecting your skin from the sun, and uses its funding to pioneer research into skin diseases, including skin cancer.
The Eve Appeal, like so many charities, has struggled through the pandemic and, with so many women putting off seeing their GP, has seen increased pressure on the invaluable ‘Ask Eve’ nurse service. Your Spring Kit comes with a keyring on the bag to serve as a reminder to all to check those niggly, ‘that doesn’t seem right’ things out. And to book your smear tests. Please.
A huge thank you to TwelveNYC for providing the keyring.
I am beyond proud of the Beauty Backed campaign’s elevation into Trust status. For years we have been talking about a support system for the industry that goes from ground level supplies in times of need, through to full-scale scholarships, training and grants. We have so much to do, but with THE Team and the Trustees, so much will be achieved. We are committed to backing the industry we love, so watch this space.
Thank you as always for your continued support – we couldn’t do this without you.