Spotlight on Supplements

Spotlight on Supplements

I've been asked a lot recently about supplements - what I would recommend and what I take myself. So when I was getting everything out this morning I thought I'd grab a quick picture and show you my current routine.

Left to Right:

Floradix - I've waxed lyrical about Floradix on here before. I was first put on Floradix 21 years ago by my midwife during my first pregnancy. I have Thalassaemia Trait which means I am permanently anaemic. When I'm pregnant or having my period its obviously worse. This single-handedly raised my HB levels 3 points. that is NO mean feat. I highly recommend this to anyone who has heavy periods, is low on energy, anaemic, pregnant or breastfeeding.

If you are anaemic, or suspect you might be, ask your doctor for a blood test (while we still have an NHS). It's your right.

Beauty Works West YOUTH - I started taking these when they launched last year and I was working on a project with BWW. They are essentially a brilliant blend of amino acids and marine plant extracts (superoxide dismutase). They were made by Dr Daniel Sister. I won't lie. I took them thinking they would help my face - you know - the post 40 saggy, baggy always-tired appearance? And they've actually done much more than that. I now notice my energy levels dip in the day if I have forgotten to take them in the morning. The huge amount of press that these have received recently is well-deserved.

Perfect for boys and girls 35+ who have lost their mojo a little! If you know what I mean when I say that - you need them.

Lambert's Starflower Oil - This is my first bottle of Starflower Oil. I started taking it just over a month ago to help with CHRONIC breast pain. My breast pain HAS GONE. GONE.

If your boobs are so sore you have to carry them in your hands like a little bird and wince when you take your bra off - these have COMPLETELY fixed mine.

*the Lambert's website is really good for general information if you are interested in the area of supplements.

David Kirsch B12 Spray -

David Kirsch is THE man when it comes to wellness and personal fitness. The man who takes care of the bodies of Liv Tyler, Heidi Klum, Bobbi Brown and Anne Hathaway to name a few, coined phrases like: 'Keep it lean, clean and green' and my favourite - this one about people who have to eat meat: 'If it swims or flies, you can eat it'. I heard this the same week my father was diagnosed with heart disease and have drastically cut my red meat intake. And I mean drastically. Anyway: I digress.

The B12 Spray, I think, is the main reason I avoided getting any kind of real flu or heavy cold this winter. The one day I had a really bad scratchy throat was the one day I forgot to take it in the morning and travelled to Paris for work. I couldn't speak by 3pm (not handy for meetings) - I got home that night - took a double dose, another double dose in the morning and it had gone within 48 hours.

B12 is essential for energy, immune function and if you are female - it stops you going completely loopy at that time of the month. If you don't yet use it, you'll wonder how you functioned without it when you do.

Perricone MD Omega 3 -

this one I have been taking almost as long as the Floradix, but I tend to dip in and out of how often I take these. I usually get back on the bandwagon when my skin goes bad (like now) and I crave crap food (like now). I try and take at least 6000mg a day. If I can I take 9000mg a day - a huge dose I know, but it really does kill off any food cravings alongside improving brain function and helping my hormonal acne breakouts.

Perfect for - any age, any sex, Omega oil (3) is recommended for literally anyone. If you are veggie, switch for flax oil.

That's it. My current routine that I keep coming back to. I would just mention that although trained in supplements, I am not a qualified nutritionist or doctor - this routine works for me. If you are interested in supplements, look at your lifestyle, health issues and if you are in doubt ask your doctor. Although for me, I have always found better advice on places like the Lambert's, Kirsch or Victoria Heath websites. Doctor's tend to be prescription happy - and I'm not....

*Although I have worked with BWW and DK I will not benefit financially from any links to the brands and websites listed. The above are a mixture of purchases and gifts from the companies involved.

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