2013 in Pictures. Blog/Workscapades.

2013 in Pictures. Blog/Workscapades.

It is so, so easy to whiz through life and forget key moments or things that you experienced. My long-term memory is horrible, horrible - short-term is amazing - but as time goes on things seem to fade into the background and all too often someone will say 'Remember when...?' and the answer is too often 'No'. However, if you need to know where you left your keys, homework or wallet - I'm your woman. I'm trying to remedy that - so for the New Year there will be a few more photo-led posts, if only so that I can read them myself and say 'That was so much fun.' and take a minute to remember.

Ava and Lucia meet JLS at their fragrance launch

Backstage at QVC with Poppy King
The Skincare sessions at Liberty!
What's in My Handbag came and hung out in my office.
Dinner with Ole Henriksen - and Ree! :)

The PA at Selfridges complete with a smash'n'grab.
Hung out with Charlotte Tilbury at her House of Rock'n'Kohl.

Went to IMATS with this lovely lot.
Gave skin consultations in Fortnum & Mason.
Was introduced to Mr Kors' beauty line. LOVE.
Went to Kensington Palace with Estee Lauder.
Compered a talk for Space NK.
Worked backstage at Stella McCartney in Paris.

I'm so grateful to the opportunities that arise both through my work and this blog - and that is partly down to you for reading it. So thank you. Here's to more adventures in 2014!

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