BEAUTY MYTH - Cetaphil and Coconut Oil do not a healthy skin make

BEAUTY MYTH - Cetaphil and Coconut Oil do not a healthy skin make

I used this model because she had good skin when she sat down, not to make an example of her!

When we were backstage at LFW, one thing that we saw more and more was the prevalence of a reddened, dehydrated skin, that was very rough and hot to the touch, and extremely dry.

When questioned about their routine, every single model proclaimed (quite happily) that they cleansed with Cetaphil, and moisturised with coconut oil. It's clearly a trend in the modelling world.

It's hard to express just how bad an idea that is without using people's sore faces as an example, but please: don't do this.

There is nothing good for the skin in Cetaphil. Except water. My original review still stands: CarolineHirons/Cetaphil - but using it twice a day and then coating your skin in coconut oil is asking for trouble.

Cetaphil dries the skin out. That moisture needs to be replaced with something more hydrating than a coconut oil. Coconut oil as a moisturiser is just not the best choice. It is truly comedogenic and creates a barrier on the face. It's water-free, meaning you're not replacing what you've removed (stripped) with Cetaphil. While the lauric acid in coconut oil can be antibacterial, it's much better used in the extract form, as that prevents is being occlusive.

So washing your face with something dehydrating and drying, and following it up with something occlusive, leaves you with a desert of an epidermis that is crying out for something wet and cooling.

There are no 'hacks' to good skin, despite what some Instagram accounts would have you believe. I know some of you love your Cetaphil and swear by it. Good for you. I know some of you will also swear by coconut oil, equally happy for you. However, please know you are the exception to a big rule. It's not for everyone, and it's particularly bad if you are travelling around the world in different climates, on and off airplanes, and weakening an already compromised acid mantle. Step away.

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