Frederic Fekkai - Some faves

Frederic Fekkai - Some faves

Totally gratuitous picture of the quite-frankly-all-too-handsome Mr Fekkai
I've been using Frederic Fekkai products on and off for over 10 years. I first tried them when they were the amenity of choice in a hotel I was staying in. I fell in love with the Technician Range and the Shea Butter Body products on the spot.

Fekkai have enjoyed huge success since those days and the selling of the company to P&G in early 2008 saw the expected influx of cash to the range - and meant that the brand could branch out and offer amongst other things, supersizes of the products - which predictably I am slightly addicted to.

Although the body products are STILL NOT AVAILABLE in the UK (WHY??) except through dodgy grey market sites that I wouldn't touch with a barge pole - these are - and they rock.


The Essential Shea range is the one I've been using lately - it's perfect for this weather that can never seem to make its mind up and hair that behaves the same way. It's also the only way I can get a hit of the gorgeous smell in the absence of the body products.

However, taking a look at my 'hair box' of products that I have on hand for everyday use - this little beauty is what I have used consistently over the years:

The Brilliant Glossing Cream just works for me. No matter what I attempt to do to my hair. It smooths frizz when I wear it down, defines curl, sleeks the straightened hair and is THE product for any kind of up-do or bun - which I tend to rely on a little too often to get me through a day full of meetings. A little goes a really long way, do be careful not to be too heavy handed.

I am always trying other products and it's not the only thing I use - but it's consistent.

Fekkai is available pretty much everywhere from ASOS to onliners to SpaceNK.

Go and have a play. Tis lovely.




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