Hall of Fame - Darphin Purifying Balm

Hall of Fame - Darphin Purifying Balm

If there was such a thing as a 'Church of Beauty' - I would surely worship at the altar of this product.

I first used this when I worked in SpaceNK in the 90's. I took a sample home (technically not allowed but we'll brush over that) when my skin had a couple of breakouts and was so impressed by the overnight results that I started selling it like hot cakes. Customers had similar reactions to the product and it has been a staple in my routine ever since.

What's in it?

A mini rant.

Apologies about the quality of the above picture but I searched far and wide online to find the ingredients (for ease) and couldn't find them - anywhere. I was so annoyed I dug out my spare pot from the back of the cupboard and quickly fired this off. Online retailers need to seriously up their game when it comes to ingredient listing - some do, most don't. I went to every single retailer of Darphin. No full inci. Infuriating. And what's even more annoying? The paid-for ads on google - that say 'Darphin Purifying Balm' - and then you click through to find they don't even SELL it. Sod off and stop wasting my time.

I've been inspired by this little episode to always show the inci listing on the product I am posting about - because clearly - there is a need. This is something that is regularly done by London Makeup Girl - the most ethical blogger out there. So Grace, *tips hat* - I'm joining you.

Right - now that's sorted - these are the key ingredients - to my mind..

Apricot Kernel Oil

Sunflower Seed Oil

Vegetable Oil


The above 4 form the base.

Good, non-clogging oils - note the lack of mineral oil!

Sage Oil

Nutmeg Kernel Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Thyme Oil

Grapefruit Oil

Rosewood Oil

Balsam Oil

The above are just a few of the oils included and are by turn, decongesting and anti-bacterial.

What's good about it?

It does what it says on the box -

The leaflet included in the product says 'ideal for combination to oily skin, prone to imperfections, with a dull, unhealthy appearance.' Personally I would argue with that. It may have been designed with that skin type in mind, but I find this works really well on all skin types. Sensitive, ageing, dry - it ticks every box.

It's not full of 'filler' ingredients - its fairly pure.

Smells beautiful - not vital, but important to me.

It lasts AGES - a little goes a long, long way.

Its worth mentioning two further things. Darphin do have another balm - Aromatic Renewing - I suspect this was released to cater for the older, dryer market in response to the popularity of the original Purifying. It's good, but I MUCH prefer Purifying Balm.

And - huge credit to Darphin here - since I first bought this product in the 90's they have made it completely organic. It's EcoCert certified and is now called Organic Aromatic Purifying Balm.

If your skin is dull, needs a little glow, is prone to impurities, oily, sensitive, dry - whatever: this product works. Highly - and always - recommended.

Darphin Organic Aromatic Purifying Balm is around £40.00 and is available at pretty much every major online retailer. ALL of whom need to start listing ingredients. On everything. I'll link to the ones that DO in future. *huffs*

Available here:

Darphin.co.uk: https://bit.ly/3iQnYNt

Lookfantastic: https://bit.ly/3i2X836

Space NK: https://bit.ly/3iQxU9w

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