L.A. is coming....

L.A. is coming....

At the risk of really irritating the commenter from last week that was annoyed that I hadn't done any reviews yet, and had only done updates so far in 2017, here's another update.

But WAIT: it's a good one I promise. I don't think the commenter perhaps realised (or cared) that I use this blog to talk to readers, not just write about products. There are also a lot of readers who are not on Instagram/social media and do not know what I'm up to, hence the regular updates.

I always knew that this month was going to be light on blog content and heavy on other business. I made a promise to myself last year that I would not stress myself out trying to be 100% active on the blog and YouTube while I had a lot going on with clients, facials, other projects and most importantly, mum/wife/daughter. It is impossible to do it all. Impossible.

The launch of the Double Cleanse has meant that I just spent a week in LA, doing press and appearing at Gen Beauty, and I'm writing this in the airport excited about what the next few months will bring. When I get back to London I have someone helping me catalogue the products I picked up in LA, to put them into a schedule that already includes things like 'Best of 2016' etc.. I just haven't had time to do it before now.

I always feel re-energised when I get back from trips, especially ones from the US. I'm excited to get back to it. In the meantime, here's some things you will have missed if you're not on Insta. I can't wait to get started.

CRH x And just for the commenter if she's still around: I'M REALLY SORRY!

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