Michelle Roques O'Neil's tips for a healthy mind and body - and her new Therapie range

Michelle Roques O'Neil's tips for a healthy mind and body - and her new Therapie range

Never quite getting the recognition she so deserves - Michelle Roques O'Neil has been an industry stalwart for over 30 years. Cited as one of the Top 10 aromatherapists in the world by Vogue, she has worked as an industry consultant for many names you will have on your beauty shelves. Michelle is one of my Top 3 for 'Best Hands' I've ever had in a treatment - and she is easily the best for body.

Michelle's latest project is her own range, three years in the making - called Therapie.

Combining all of her hands-on experience gained from her clients with her technical know-how - Therapie is designed to heal and restore - inside and out.

Taking every part of the body into consideration, Therapie launched with shower and hair products, an aura spray, skin and hair oil and the beyond amazing Himalayan Detox Bath Salts.

I asked Michelle for her Top Tips on how to relax, restore and cope with the everyday stresses of modern-day life, starting with what not to do...

  • Emotions can be powerful but also draining-we get stuck in reactions based on history, rather than perspective - our emotions are sticky, impede one's judgement and clarity creating anxiety which can deplete internal reserves - take a step away, rather than talking from the ‘I am’ perspective- look at it from a more detached perspective " there is".
  • We have been conditioned to take action at any cost, to the detriment of diet, sleep and our personal life. How can you understand what is fully needed when there is so little time to be reflective?
  • People constantly forfeit passion and wonder why they are depressed or low. A lack of play and inspiration restricts creativity and vitality.
  • Fear is a very paralysing belief in many areas - it can have such a limiting and harmful effect.

So in a world when no-one switches off (I know I'm not the only one who turns off the computer to get into bed and immediately open up twitter/facebook/email) and the pressure is on - how can you relax your mind and restore your sanity?!

  • Juicing is one of the best ways to kick start your days, often when you’re stressed, your body can find it difficult to breakdown and absorb supplements so this is an energy packed way to get your daily five - experiment with combination.
  • A healthy liver has a miraculous effect on both mind and body, liver congestion can not only make you physically hyper sensitive but emotionally volatile - if you find yourself snapping at people and angry, have skin sensitivity or nausea - it's generally a sign, - limit coffee, dairy, alcohol and rich fatty foods.
  • Your gut normally reflects your emotional state as it is one big processing plant, constipation can reflect emotionally as restricting flow or holding on to things that need to be released. Equally lack of tone can mean that there is lack of energy and inspiration. Flaxseeds are great for reducing inflammation. Grind them and sprinkle over food. Water flows, it also helps your internal body to flow, a cup of hot water in the morning the perfect start to the day.
  • Stress wreaks havoc on the mind and body; try to find moments in your day to decompress, whether it's ten deep breaths, a catnap, or mini meditation. Supplements that support hectic lifestyles include B complex, CoQ10 and flaxseed oil.

Words of wisdom from a woman in the know. If you are in need of a massage that will blow your mind - go see Michelle. More info is available here.

If you don't have the time or don't live nearby - create your own haven at home:

Therapie is available from Cult Beauty - prices start at £18.00.

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