Image of the Skin Rocks Retinoids and refills

Retinoids: How to Move Up in Strength

Have you been using a retinoid for a while now and are ready to dial it up a notch? Here’s what you need to know.

What are retinoids?

The gold standard in skincare, retinoids (an umbrella term used for the various forms found in topical skincare), such as retinal, are derivatives of vitamin A – a key nutrient needed in order for our skin cells to function properly. They work by increasing skin cell renewal (the rate at which new skin reaches the top layer) and helping to stimulate key processes such as collagen and elastin production, altogether leaving the skin with a smooth, radiant and even appearance.

Have you been using a retinoid for a while now and are ready to dial it up a notch? Here’s what you need to know.

What are retinoids?

The gold standard in skincare, retinoids (an umbrella term used for the various forms found in topical skincare), such as retinal, are derivatives of vitamin A – a key nutrient needed in order for our skin cells to function properly. They work by increasing skin cell renewal (the rate at which new skin reaches the top layer) and helping to stimulate key processes such as collagen and elastin production, altogether leaving the skin with a smooth, radiant and even appearance.

Signs you’re ready to take it up a level:

  • You’re not showing signs of retinoid irritation, dryness and peeling

  • You have been using your current strength consistently for a minimum of 12 weeks

  • You have severe breakouts 

  • You have deeper-set wrinkles and lines 

  • You have moderate hyperpigmentation that isn’t budging

  • You feel like you are no longer seeing the benefits

When you are ready to move up a strength, please ensure you add your new product into your routine slowly. Start off by using twice a week and increase to 3-4 as needed, once your skin has acclimatised.

Is your skin freaking out?

Try the buffering technique to help mitigate any potential irritation. To do this, apply a layer of simple moisturiser prior to your retinoid. 

Try this: The Ordinary Natural Moisturising Factors

If you are looking to level up your retinoid, check out our favourites below:

Medik8 Crystal Retinoid 10

Sachi Ursolic & Retinal Overnight Reform

Skin Rocks Retinoid 2

Words by Katie - Team Skin Rocks

Qualifications - BTEC, Beauty Therapy Applied Sciences

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