I wanted to do this catch-up post to say two things:
1. Sam and Nic rock. The better side of the industry personified - talented, sweet, so very generous and the ultimate professionals.
2. The effect of being mentioned by Pixiwoo on 2 occasions has sent this blog stratospheric - I am only mentioning this for one reason: I have been inundated with requests for help.
People are emailing/tweeting/finding me on instagram - I am being asked for skin advice in the Post Office and spotted in the loo. (Can you imagine what its like to actually BE Sam and Nic? - I'm exhausted on their behalf thinking about it.)
With the best will in the world there is just no way I can reply to everyone - if you catch me online and I'm around I will always answer if I can - but please don't think I'm rude if I don't reply to you - it's not for lack of wanting.
Thank you Sam and Nic. You rock.