Trolls - and what actually matters.

Trolls - and what actually matters.

Last night I was reading some comments below posts where I had been mentioned on other sites. There were a couple of not-so-nice comments which gave me about 5 minutes of ‘How very dare they?’ mini-rage. *flounce*

When I woke up this morning I had a long discussion with one of my best girlfriends about the funeral arrangements for Amica. Not to come over all melodramatic but there’s nothing like a death to give you perspective.

So, my feelings on (and last discussion on this blog re) trolls:

To give you (trolls), however few of you, a platform on my blog – my space – where I spend hours, literally, trying to help people with their skin/health – in however a small way possible, seems to me to be disrespectful to the literally hundreds of people who very kindly contact me via all social channels (and in toilets) to let me know how much this blog has helped them. I have no intention of giving you more attention than them. This is my platform. And theirs. If you have constructive criticism I will always reply. If you just want to be negative about me, my appearance, my age – and especially my readers – there is no room for you here.

You are not important. To me. Or my readers. I hope you are important to someone else and treat them with the kindness, because I wish you nothing but kindness. But there is no room for you here.

So, I will leave you instead with a picture of our beautiful friend – who will remind me daily of what is important.

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