Hi Everyone, Long time no vlog. This covers two weeks and the Brits, LFW and LA. People/brands mentioned: Pixi - https://pixibeauty.co.uk/ Stephanie Nicole - http://bit.ly/2Ho5ajg Drunk Elephant - https://www.drunkelephant.com/ May Lindstrom - https://www.maylindstrom.com/ Josh Rosebrook - https://joshrosebrook.com/ Jordan Samuel - https://jordansamuelskin.com/ January Labs - https://www.januarylabs.com/ Nerida Joy - http://neridajoy.com/ The views expressed on this site are the author's own and are provided for informational purposes only. The author makes no warranties about the suitability of any product or treatment referenced or reviewed here for any person other than herself and any reliance placed on these reviews or references by you is done so solely at your own risk. Nothing on this site shall be construed as providing dermatological, medical or other such advice and you are always advised to seek the advice of a suitable professional should you have any such concerns.