Well I wasn't away THAT long....

I was up and wearing a bra by Tuesday - promise. I was just slammed last week in work which has led to a bit of a change in thinking.

I've previously withheld from discussing too much about my work or clients on here for various reasons - usually not wanting to appear to have 'favourites' and also because I'm not backward in coming forward with my opinions (I know, I know).

But work, my clients and day-to-day shenanigans in the beauty industry are such a huge part of my life - a life that I love - that it now seems odd to not share that on here. I think the readership is such that you trust me to give my honest opinion - client or not. And I will always disclose.

In all honesty the only way I can keep this blog going is if I integrate it more with my day-to-day. No sob story here - it just is what it is.. There's a reason I haven't posted for 10 days - no time. I'm not a pro blogger. I'm a hobby blogger. My actual 'work' is more than full time.

I had clients visiting from overseas last week and was playing chaperone all over London and the South Coast.
That, coupled with a major change in strategy for another client and the launch of another... left little time for anything else other than family.

So: I'll plod on - BUT - I will be hitting up my contacts in the industry for insider info, interviews and giveaways. I may as well use my address book to my (and your) advantage eh?

Thank you for sticking with me. And thank you for the emails and tweets saying 'Where ARE you?'.

I'm here.

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