The CH Blog

Caroline Hirons' expert advice, reviews and recommendations, all in one archive.

The function of the blog is to help you find what you do and don’t need in your skincare routine. From the core basics through to the spectrum of retinoid strengths and everything in between, the blog is an archive to breakdown jargon and present you with both my opinion and simple scientific facts.

Caroline Hirons, Founder and Qualified Skincare Expert

Champneys Super Rich Cleansing Balm - Review

Champneys Super Rich Cleansing Balm - Review

Ignore the fact that it uses the word 'Super' in the title. And ignore that it says 'normal to dry skin'. This affordable balm is actually a nice find for...


Lab Series BB Tinted moisturiser SPF 35+++

Lab Series BB Tinted moisturiser SPF 35+++

Mr Hirons has used more products than most. The poor man is my guinea pig for all things male skin/hair/shave orientated. Over the years he's liked and loathed products in...


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EF MEDISPA launch Biologique Recherche

Well thank the Sweet Baby Jesus for THAT. FINALLY. Someone has had the good sense to get BR into the UK!!! I can exclusively reveal that EF Medispa in St...


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Slight Delay to Proceedings

Lovely peeps. This week, as predicted last week with my upcoming exam - is proving incredibly busy. I haven't forgotten about this lovely little blog but I'm probably not going...


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Upcoming Cheat Sheets

I'm sorry I didn't get the acne cheat sheet up before the weekend. I don't want to rush it seeing as so many of us are sufferers! I'm collating a...


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Clinic on Thursday - Kind of...CLINIC IS CLOSED.

CLINIC IS CLOSED - THANKS ALL! Regular readers of this blog will know that the Clinic has been getting busier and busier - so much so that I finished last...


The one where I sell my soul to the Devil - or 'Step Away from the Bioderma'

The one where I sell my soul to the Devil - or 'Step Away from the Bioderma'

If you are a regular reader of this blog - you will know my feelings on wipes, only ever using cleansing water, general laziness over effort. However: *breathe* I know...


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A Week in the Life of the blog.

You know sometimes you stand back and think 'WOW - what just happened?' - the last 7 days have been that for me. Last Tuesday and Wednesday I was in...


What's in My Handbag?

What's in My Handbag?

And another little snippet - I recently spent an afternoon with the girls from What's in My Handbag...where they proceeded to tear my cupboards, shelves and boxes to pieces -...


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The Patron Saint of The Flannel

Just a quick one for a Monday morning but your truly is in the Daily Mail and The Telegraph today extolling the virtues of the flannel. If you still only...


Overnight Travel Kit

Overnight Travel Kit

I went on an overnight trip to Monaco earlier this week - more of which to come at a later date. I snapped off this pic very quickly as I...


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Clinic on Thursday - CLINIC IS CLOSED

Morning!The Clinic is open. I'm thrilled at the success of the Clinic - but I may have to cap the amount of comments I can publish at any one time...


Aesop Petitgrain Hydrating Body Gel and Control Anti-blemish Gel

Aesop Petitgrain Hydrating Body Gel and Control Anti-blemish Gel

Launching at Aesop counters today, this revolutionary Petitgrain Body Gel is a beautiful addition to the Aesop family. Perfect for the warmer weather, it is scented with grapefruit and lemon...


Semi-Silent Sunday

Semi-Silent Sunday

Scaffolding. What peptides do for your face - in a picture.




  The much anticipated 111SKIN from Dr Y Alexandrides launched this week and judging it based on what I have tried so far - it does not disappoint. A collaboration...


NARS Spring/Summer 2012 - loveliness abounds

NARS Spring/Summer 2012 - loveliness abounds

Last week I was invited to a NARS Masterclass showcasing the new colours for Spring/Summer -and what lovely colours they are. I don't cover a whole heap of makeup on...


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Clinic on Thursday - Clinic is Closed.

THANKS EVERYONE - CLINIC IS NOW CLOSED. I'LL BE WORKING ON YOUR ANSWERS FROM TOMORROW. It's back! Thank you for all of your comments and replies to my replies over...


Happy 2nd Birthday!

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Two years ago I sat down and penned a little post about cleansing massage. It proved popular and so I kept posting. And now here we are in 2012 -...


Speak Up, Save A Life

Speak Up, Save A Life

Regular readers will know of my charitable initiative Give and Makeup. Red magazine recently launched a campaign called 'Speak Up, Save A Life'. The aim of their campaign is to...


Cheat Sheet - Top Tips for Great Skin

Cheat Sheet - Top Tips for Great Skin

Obviously, everyone is different – but in general – these are some basics if you’re wondering where to start…. Cleanse your skin every night without fail – cleanliness is next...


GOLD by Giles - Sneaky Peek.

GOLD by Giles - Sneaky Peek.

GOLD by Giles launches online at New Look this week - prices start at a ridiculous £1.99. My tips: the lipglosses and rollers!


March in the life of the blog.

March in the life of the blog.

Enjoying Ava's styling Smelling these Mother's Day bliss Handmade cards never get old Marilyn Monroe's skincare set Hanging out with @londonmugirl and @getlippie Long overdue haircut for the boy Lovely...


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Clinic on Thursday

Hi All, So the Clinic is open - last week's was the most popular yet - and I am still writing replies to further questions one week later. I'm thrilled...


Sunscreen - London Makeup Girl

Sunscreen - London Makeup Girl

For those of you who constantly ask about SPF and the variable types available - I have previously recommended asking Grace from London Makeup Girl - she (unlike my good...


Jo Malone for the Home.

Jo Malone for the Home.

If you have ever sprayed a little Lime, Basil and Mandarin in the room to give it a spruce (coughs), you'll be as happy as I was to see these...


Erno Laszlo Launch

Erno Laszlo Launch

I don't usually post about events, but the relaunch of Erno Laszlo was really well done and I am genuinely excited about the products to come. Held at the Media...


Emma Hardie - QVC Anniversary Show - Picture Heavy!

Emma Hardie - QVC Anniversary Show - Picture Heavy!

Earlier this month I was invited to take a little photographic Behind-The-Scenes Diary of Emma Hardie's Anniversary Show on QVC. A few of the shots are below Prep and Makeup!...


Things I'm Loving..... Revlon Colour Burst - Tutti Frutti

Things I'm Loving..... Revlon Colour Burst - Tutti Frutti

Just a quick one - these Revlon Lip Butters have just hit the shelves - although I hear they didn't stay on them for long - and I can understand...


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Clinic on Thursday - Clinic is Closed.

Morning All. The Clinic is open! I just want to say Thank You for the success of this regular Thursday spot. So many of you have emailed, tweeted and left...


Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise - Luke Stephens

Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise - Luke Stephens

The lovely Luke and I have known each other for quite a few years - he's old school SpaceNK. There's a large group of us prowling the country at any...


Jo Malone Bath Oil - an Apology!

Jo Malone Bath Oil - an Apology!

I was out scouting for a pressie earlier this month for my girlfriend that I KNOW is obsessed with the above. I didn't want to enable her as traditionally (in...


The perfect Thalgo, Aveda and Elemis bath.

The perfect Thalgo, Aveda and Elemis bath.

My steamy Sunday. In the same vein as the supplement post from yesterday - I've been meaning to write about my perfect bath for a while. As it was Mother's...


Spotlight on Supplements

Spotlight on Supplements

I've been asked a lot recently about supplements - what I would recommend and what I take myself. So when I was getting everything out this morning I thought I'd...


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Clinic on Thursday - Clinic is Closed.

THE CLINIC IS NOW CLOSED. ANY QUESTIONS SENT AFTER 8PM WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. Sorry - otherwise I'd be here all week! :) Once again I want to say a...


Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise - London Makeup Girl

Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise - London Makeup Girl

The lovely Grace from London Makeup Girl is one of my real blogging inspirations. The champion of niche brands and ethical blogging - I trust everything this woman says no...


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Ingredients: To List or Not To List

This evening I was doing some research for a Clinic question and needed the ingredients for a Clinique product. Simples right? Just google it. WRONG. 10 websites later I found...


International Women's Day and EQUALS?

International Women's Day and EQUALS?

  Today is International Women's Day. You may ask.. and? How does that affect me?   I come from a long line of incredibly strong, feisty women. I know I'm...


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Clinic on Thursday - Clinic is Closed.

CLINIC IS CLOSED. ANY FURTHER QUERIES RECEIVED AFTER 12PM ON 9TH WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED - SORRY! The Clinic is officially back. Thank you for your supportive comments last week....


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The 'I know it's not a Hero Product but it bloody-well-should-be!' Support Club

So following on from the ridiculously popular post on Monday (you Ladies really needed to vent didn't you??!) - it's time for the other side of the coin. Everyone has...


The return of Le Metier de Beaute

The return of Le Metier de Beaute

Purses at the ready Ladies. Coming to Zuneta soon: All hail the return of Le Metier de Beaute.


Emma Hardie Supersize Cleanser and a QVC Exclusive

Emma Hardie Supersize Cleanser and a QVC Exclusive

Broken record time. I know I know. I promise I'll stop going on about this cleanser - one day. Just not now. Here's what you need to know: The tres...


Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise - Tanya Burr

Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise - Tanya Burr

My first victim guest for Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise is Tanya Burr - You Tuber extraordinaire and all-round lovely lady. A fully trained makeup artist, Tanya has previously worked for...


The 'I know it's a Hero Product but I just CAN'T' Support Club

The 'I know it's a Hero Product but I just CAN'T' Support Club

So a few of us have secretly (openly on twitter) - in code - been very quietly admitting that there are some 'Hero Products' that we just cannot get to...


Kim Kardashian - and those eyebrows

Kim Kardashian - and those eyebrows

Everyone has an opinion about KK. The TV show, THAT wedding, the mother, the sisters, the unspeakably tall soon-to-be ex-husband (she never should have married him - SO RUDE) the...


Starflower Oil and Breast Pain

Starflower Oil and Breast Pain

In the last couple of months I've had increasingly horrible breast pain before and during periods. Although they are tender in between monthly cycles, its really when I'm in PMS...


Frederic Fekkai - Some faves

Frederic Fekkai - Some faves

Totally gratuitous picture of the quite-frankly-all-too-handsome Mr Fekkai I've been using Frederic Fekkai products on and off for over 10 years. I first tried them when they were the amenity...


Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise - Me

Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise - Me

I seem to always be talking about or recommending the same products recently so I thought I would mix it up a little – and take blatant advantage of my...


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Clinic on Thursday - Clinic is Closed.

CLINIC IS CLOSED. Morning All! The Clinic is open! Just some things that may make it easier for me to help you: If you have a really bad skin condition...
