Update - New Pages and Features

Update - New Pages and Features

Mortar & Milk - SW6

Hi All!

OK - I know. Erm where have you been Caroline? I know it may seem like I've slipped off the face of the Earth but I'm honestly here - just working a lot in the background with my gorgeous clients, amazing brands and rebuilding this site from the bottom up.

I want this blog to become a further real resource for you, the readers, and in some small part, to the industry also. I would really like to take the opportunity to bridge the sometimes wide gap between the clinical/spa world and beauty retail. The two don't always connect, but there are amazing brands in the clinical world that can get left behind because they aren't available on the high street. That's a crime. I can't bear to see people spending hundreds and hundreds of pounds on products that I know for a fact aren't as efficacious as some clinical brands. (I mean if you love them, can afford them, and want to, that's wonderful, obviously.)

The new site will have some new permanent content, including 'Where to go for Facials' in your local area and 'Where to Shop' - and this is where you come in. I would love it if you commented saying where you love to shop - and I mean worldwide, not just the UK, and if you go for facials, where do you go and what is so good about them? I'm not going to lie, it will also give me some good ideas for pop-ups away from London. ;)

The original content of the site will remain as it is, and will continue, this is just added information. Reviews, cheat sheets etc will all still be what keeps the blog the blog.

So if you have a brilliant facialist, or if you are a brilliant facialist, let me know in the comments. And if you know of some beautiful 'crown jewels' when it comes to beauty locations, let me know! I will leave all the comments up once posted, but will then transfer really popular suggestions to the main page for ease.

The first new 'Where to go for Facials" page is up and ready here: carolinehirons.com/where-to-go-for-facials - please do hit me up with outside London recommendations!

*Please note: I only intend to publish real customer recommendations. I'm not interested in any brands peddling their wares on this page thanks chaps.

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