Hi Everyone!

OK first things first: if you missed the podcast that Nadine and I recorded with Emma Guns last week, there's time to listen to Part One before Part Two drops on Sunday. Link here: Emma Guns Show Nadine's channel: youtube.com/NadineBaggott

Updates from recent posts:

Teresa's Kit - she has FDA approval! She can now ship to the USA. Shop here: http://bit.ly/2EucXhN

Kate Somerville - the brand launched with limited skus because they are still waiting for EU certification for a lot of the range. The rest of the products will launch in stages throughout this year. What they do have is available at KateSomerville.com and cultbeauty.com. My video with Kate is up on Sunday morning at 9am.

The brand overview videos start up again on Sunday 17th February and then are pretty much solid for a few months after that. I'm excited about them and the content I'm filming with friends in LA. Stay tuned!

Josh Wood - I asked Josh about your comments re: redheads and black hair and shipping (you had a lot of questions!)

Black hair/shipping: 'Josh Wood Colour is only available in the UK at the minute but they are planning to expand globally in the near future. The range covers darkest brown 2.0 to lightest blonde 9.0, the darkest brown is almost black in colour. The range can be applied on any hair type.'

Redheads: 'There is a lot to take into consideration when designing a red colour system, there are so many different tones to cover so building an expert, comprehensive system takes time. I really want to get it right and I’m putting in a lot of time and effort to make this happen.' On that note I'd like to politely (to a degree) say that brands that I cover either on the blog or on YouTube are based everywhere around the world. They always have been.

There have been a spate of clearly angry comments recently saying 'oh it's not available in the US/UK (delete as necessary)?!' vein recently. The FDA and the EU have very different criteria, and obviously every brand that launches has to get separate approval from both countries. It can take months. Please don't shout at the brands or me in the comments just because you may have to wait a while before you can get something. Like I've said before: talk to Australia, New Zealand or South Africa if you think it's hard for you to get your hands on products.

Comments: The blog has had an influx of new readers recently, and it edges towards 100 million views with every week. I've answered a lot of comments this week. High figure hundreds. Erm that is not a complaint - I'm just letting you know that I'm trying to keep up. Thanks for your patience.

Have a great weekend all! Even you Barbra. ;)

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